I had to admit that I couldn’t do it!
I was newly promoted in a challenging job and had no idea how to sort things out!
Yet I just kept working hard and harder. After all, I figured, they’d put me in the job, I was capable, surely if I just kept at it I’d get there. To admit that I couldn’t was surely a sign of failure and weakness.
But I just wasn’t making progress, more like going backwards. The muck I was in just kept getting deeper. And my ability to think clearly was deteriorating. didn’t even know enough to ask the right questions. But I couldn’t see it.
Fortunately, others could and I was soon assigned a mentor who worked with me to teach me what was required and, over the next few months, we turned things round to achieve the transformation I’d been brought into the role to deliver.
Looking back, it’s clear that the issue wasn’t ability, more that the gap between my knowledge and what was required was just too big.
I thought I was supposed to be able to do it all on my own and that it was a sign of weakness to admit I needed help. Yet it actually takes strength and courage to take that step of being vulnerable and trust that most people are actually very willing to help.
What do you need to admit (to yourself or someone else) today?