Training is a waste of time!

Don’t believe me?  Think of the number of times you’ve been on some sort of course and then done nothing to put it into practice.

You’ve loved the experience, thought there is some really good content and know you want to do something with it.

Then you get back to the office . . . . .

📧  all those unread emails to deal with

🤝  meetings to go to

📋  things to do

Before you know it a day, a week, a month has gone by.

And nothing’s changed!

Am I right?

Certainly that’s been my experience.

Which is why I:

📝  set myself clear actions at the end of any learning experience

🕟  allocate specific time in courses I run for delegates to reflect and plan specific actions BEFORE THEY LEAVE THE TRAINING

I’m sure that this significantly increases the chances of the training making a real difference.

After all, it’s the learning and the benefit that makes the time valuable, not the training itself!

What do you do to make sure your training sticks?


“I wouldn’t start from here!”


I had to admit that I couldn’t do it!