“What got you here won’t get you there!”
⛰ Imagine for a minute that you decided to climb Everest, yet you had no experience of mountain climbing. How would you get on?
✈ Using the skills you’ve got, you could probably manage to get yourself to base camp – map the journey, book flights, trains etc and - travel restrictions permitting – make our way there.
⛺ Then you’d be stuck. All those skills would be of very little value in getting you to the summit of Everest.
🛠 You’d need a whole range of new knowledge and skills or you’d probably get into trouble before you’d gone very far.
The same can be true if you commit your organisation to the Operational Excellence journey.
Yet how many leaders set off up the OpEx mountain assuming their existing skills will enable then to get there and then wonder why they’re struggling?
The reality is that there are new things to learn:
📝 a different mindset
📝 a different leadership style
📝 some new practical methods and skills
📝 a new set of routines and practices
How well prepared are you for the journey you are on? What knowledge and skill do you wish you’d acquired before you started?
I’d love to see your experiences in the comments.
Which perhaps requires another new thing – a bit of vulnerability 😉