What got you here won’t get you there!
One of the potential pitfalls facing successful and growing SME manufacturing businesses is that what got them to the success they have today won’t necessarily sustain that success going forward . . . .
. . . . and yet they’re completely unaware of it!
The difficulties creep up so slowly that they don’t notice them.
❌ Lead times are getting longer
❌ More deliveries are missing their due date
❌ Quality is slipping
❌ It’s taking more and more effort to get things done
In short, the informal ways of doing things that have worked for them since they were a small start–up are no longer fit for purpose.
They need more structure; a “system” to tie everything together to get the results they need moving forward.
This was just one of the fascinating discussion topics raised at my “Foundations for High Performance with Ease” interactive webinar last Friday.
If you’d like to know more about the building blocks of such a system