The busier I am, the more time I need to spend planning!

This seems contradictory, doesn’t it?

🏃  So much of our instinct tells us that we need to get on with stuff or we’ll never get it finished.

Yet time and again we come unstuck.

🙁  We forget some important task

😳  We don’t consult others early on, so end up having to redo work later when their information comes to light.

😣  Tasks take longer because we haven’t thought clearly about what is required.

🤯  We end up with even more to do tomorrow, and the whole cycle repeats itself until . . . .

Now imagine that same pattern at a whole organisational level.

❌  So many people rushing around trying to get stuff done.

❌  Lack of alignment and understanding of each others’ requirements.

❌  Lots of “rework” needed to produce acceptable work, adding time and cost.

❌  Important deadlines missed!

Somehow we need to overcome our “bias for action” and take more time at the start of any piece of work to ensure that we have an appropriate level of planning.  My experience of working withing a German culture (BMW Group) and studying Toyota and others has convinced me of the value of this.

Jeff Liker sums it up beautifully in his book, “The Toyota Way” –

“Make decisions slowly by consensus, thoroughly considering all options; implement rapidly.”

I have a lot to get done today – so I’ve spent a lot of time planning!

How about you?



If your reds are green, you’re managing a secret!


If your “vision” is your destination, then you need a route to get there.