How do you stop the results of all your hard work vanishing before your eyes?
Harvey Leach Harvey Leach

How do you stop the results of all your hard work vanishing before your eyes?

You might think that, having put all of the effort in to deliver on your breakthrough improvement goals, you could relax a bit and enjoy the results of all your hard work. However, without a shift in mindset and the adoption of some different practices the results of all that effort by your and your team could start to disappear before your eyes.

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Vision into Action Part 3 – Execution
Harvey Leach Harvey Leach

Vision into Action Part 3 – Execution

It’s easy to believe that, once you have your plans in place to deliver your improvement goals, it should — to shift my metaphor from the usual hills and mountains to the sea for a moment — be pretty plain sailing from now on. However, breakthrough improvements are very much like exploring undiscovered country- you never know what you’ll encounter as you start to execute your plan, and you need to be ready for the unexpected. Here’s how.

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Vision into Action Part 2 - Planning
Harvey Leach Harvey Leach

Vision into Action Part 2 - Planning

Once we have defined our goals, it’s very tempting to rush straight into action. However, without a robust plan, it can be easy to miss key steps or be deflected by difficulties along the way. Your chances or success can be much imp0roved by following a simple, structured planning process to ensure that you are well prepared to reach your goal.

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Vision into Action Part 1 – Goal Setting
Harvey Leach Harvey Leach

Vision into Action Part 1 – Goal Setting

There can often be a disconnect between long-term organisational vision and short-medium term goals at organisational, function or departmental level. This can lead to misalignment and conflict, which in turn means lack of progress towards the vision. A joined up “top down” and “bottom up” goal setting process can both avoid this and engage employees at every level.

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What’s the secret to motivation and engagement?
Harvey Leach Harvey Leach

What’s the secret to motivation and engagement?

One of the challenges many organisations face when working towards Operational Excellence is getting everyone motivated to engage in continuous improvement activities.

Yet, without it, improvement activity remains in the hands of a few dedicated individuals. This small band subsequently has limited impact and can soon get frustrated and demotivated themselves.

The reasons can be many and varied, so it’s time for some problem solving . . . . . . . .

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