15 minutes a day for habitual excellence
Simple but powerful daily routines to deliver consistent “high performance with ease”.
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Simple but powerful daily routines underpin the delivery of consistent “high performance with ease”. This guide shows you how to establish 15 minute routines for your team and yourself that will help escape from that feeling of being overwhelmed and lead to a place of “controlled calm”.
Powerful routines for
consistent high performance
Many operational leaders find themselves working frantically day after day to resolve production issues, yet still fail to deliver consistent or sustainable high performance in terms of delivering quality products to customers “On Time In Full”.
The list of issues to get solved seems to get longer and longer and there’s never enough time to work on those items that will deliver performance improvements.
Based on my personal leadership experiences and subsequent work as a consultant for 20 years, I am convinced that establishing simple daily routines to monitor performance and plan action can be key to helping individuals and teams to “turn the corner” – heading towards calmer waters rather than feeling like they are drowning.
Coupled with a “significant few” Key Performance Indicators, creating daily routines that review performance and plans will ensure you make good progress on identifying and taking action on problems and improvement ideas that will deliver improved performance.
These day-to-day rhythms and routines introduce patterns and structure, will ensure your teams have an increased sense of control, and will reveal other areas that also need attention, such as:
Your current production plans are not realistic
A disconnect between the work of Supply Chain teams and their Production counterparts
People being unclear about their roles
The “15 minutes a day to Habitual Excellence” guide
Working in a series of powerful routines to manage performance doesn’t have to be that complicated and need involve no more than 15 - 20 minutes a day once you have them running smoothly.
The “15 minutes a day to Habitual Excellence” guide you how to start building powerful daily routines that really get everyone focussed on performance.
Connecting your KPIs with your routine to review and revise actions can lead to improved performance with less effort.
Surfacing and actioning issues becomes “how we do things ground here”
Everyone gets the same view of the situation
Less time is spent gathering and sharing information
Problems are identified quickly and not allowed to fester
Everyone knows their concerns are being heard and addressed
Actions are assigned while everyone is together
The right people deal with the right issues
The Benefits
The consequential benefits for your teams, managers and leaders, and customers are significant and include:
Teams feel more secure and confident that they can do a good job
Work itself is better, more enjoyable and more rewarding
Leaders are more confident that issues will be picked up without them needing to chase or get involved
Managers have more time to work on strategic issues to develop the business rather than firefighting today’s problems
Customers are more satisfied because:
Delivery performance improves
Information flow is better when there are issues – they know about them in advance and what’s being done about to resolve them
Once you’ve had a look, if you have any questions or would like to discuss how you will implement these powerful daily routines, please either email me harvey@veracityoxford.com or call me on 07910 054213 and I’ll be happy to help.
To your success.
The “15 minutes a day to Habitual Excellence” guide
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The Benefits
Well set up, an effective system for capturing and acting on ideas from all employees can deliver enormous benefits:
People feel they are listened to and can contribute
People are happier in their work and feel the organisation is paying more attention to their well–being
The organisation taps into the knowledge, skill and experience of everyone
More time and energy devoted to problem–solving and improvement activity
Improved performance as a result of changes made
This results both in happier customers as they get better products more quickly, and improved margin and profit